3.9 Taxes

Based on increasing public debates on legal and fiscal ethical behaviour of multinationals you can add an additional ‘P’, being that of ‘Paying a fair share’ (of taxes) as an ever- increasing component defining sustainability.

Paying a fair share of taxes in those countries where Nutreco performs its business activities has always been part of our tax policy. Nutreco also fully acts according to the internal tax policy of SHV in which it’s stated that every group is committed to act according to the letter and spirit of all tax laws and the regulations of the countries in which it operates, and to pay the right amount of tax at the right time. Nutreco is also fully committed to complying with all disclosure requirements based on OECD, EU or local legislation or regulations. Nutreco will stay away from aggressive tax planning or using low tax jurisdictions without having real commercial substance.

"Paying a fair share of taxes in those countries where Nutreco performs its business activities has always been part of our tax policy."