7.1 RoadMap 2025

RoadMap 2025 was approved and adopted by the Nutreco Executive Leadership Team (NELT) in June 2020 after a one-and-a-half-year process. As described in Nutreco’s 2019 Sustainability Report, this process began with a materiality assessment including 294 stakeholders (internal and external) as well as a series of three workshops that addressed the issues highlighted by the materiality assessment.

In September 2020, the NELT approved a new governance structure to implement RoadMap 2025 across all of Nutreco. This new governance structure simplifies yet delegates ownership of implementation to the two divisions within their specialty areas and functional directors. Division Functional Directors take ownership of their component of RoadMap 2025 and ensure that their policies and OpCo staff are implementing the policy.

A clear example of how RoadMap 2025 governance transitions into practical policy is with the recent Nutreco One Procurement purchasing policy for soy and palm oil ingredients.

Corporate Sustainability Governance

RoadMap 2025

Read more about RoadMap 2025 and our three main themes in the full brochure.