6. Roadmap 2025 progress assessment tool

A tool to monitor progress made on our targets over the next four years.

At the end of 2020, the Nutreco Sustainability Platform launched the new online RoadMap 2025 progress assessment tool to be used to monitor progress made on our RoadMap 2025 targets over the next four years.

On an annual basis, the General Managers of our businesses and division Functional Directors are asked to respond to specific questions related to the completion or partial completion of the targets and goals reflected in RoadMap 2025. 

The RoadMap 2025 progress assessment tool has been developed to:

  • Track the progress of our businesses and business lines towards reaching the RoadMap 2025 sustainability targets.
  • Be a tool for our general managers to prioritise efforts and resources for the next period to improve progress towards reaching our RoadMap 2025 targets. 

We created a dashboard that gives local managers insight into their score and allows them to compare themselves to the internal benchmark on various RoadMap 2025 targets. The results per pillar are weighted according to the number of targets and relative importance.

In 2020, Nutreco conducted a trial execution of this progress assessment tool. We identified areas of improvement and baseline data to mark our starting point towards our targets. In 2021, we revised and strengthened the progress assessment questionnaire, allowing us to strengthen and set the baseline. 


1. Who we are
2. Our roadmap
3. Pillar one: Health & Welfare
4. Pillar two: Climate & Circularity
5. Pillar three: Good Citizenship
6. Roadmap 2025 progress assessment tool
7. Staying relevant
8. How we work
9. About this report